At SAS we understand how a single absence within a school office can affect a School or Academy and the impact it has on your ability to complete the statutory obligations, whilst still undertaking additional tasks, this is where we can help.

SAS are able to offer Temporary School Admin Support Staff to help fill these absences to ensure continuation of service.

As a new company, we presume many of you will probably have existing contacts with recruitment agencies that you have dealt with over the years. Where we differ is that we can guarantee that any temporary school admin support staff we assign to you will be familiar with working in educational establishments and are familiar with some of the systems used within Schools and Academies (e.g. SIMS.net, parentpay, Schoolcomms). This will not only enable SAS temporary admin support staff to start assisting your School or Academy immediately, but it will also give you the confidence that any alterations to your systems will be done so correctly in accordance with software guidelines.

If you would like to know more about our temporary supply staff, please do not hesitate to contact us at help@schooladminsupport.com or 07749879430