There are several consultancy services available, below are a few examples
SIMS Data Health Check
Our experts will examine your data held within and make recommendations. Our experts will make necessary changes to data (approval from School or Academy will be sought prior to making any changes) If data issues are found to exist and are subsequently changed, advice will be given how to prevent the issue from reoccurring as best as possible.
Custom Reports
Did you know it is possible to run reports from and output them into Excel using macros to manipulate the data into a different format?
“Why would i even want to do this?” you may ask yourself. It allows schools to take all the data they have entered into SIMS and manipulate the output, turning large amounts of (what is often hard to interrogate) data into meaningful tables and graphs, allowing us to easily interrogate the data being put into SIMS, enabling SLT to spot patterns and develop plans accordingly.
PowerBi Integration with SIMS
School Admin Support can help you get Microsoft PowerBi up and running enabling you to visualize and interrogate your SIMS data easily.
We can set up the ‘out the box’ PowerBi templates or offer custom PowerBi consultancy if you require bespoke PowerBi setups specific to your Schools or Academies needs.
MIS Conversions
If you are migrating to another MIS provider and require assistance with the process, SAS have years of both project management and project delivery experience in this field and are able to assist in this field if required.
School Admin Support can assist with many other MIS related changes, e.g. implementation of new behavior or attendance policy, implementation of additional bolt on or third party systems, etc
Please contact us to discuss any additional services not listed above at or 07749879430